Wednesday, February 7, 2007

How is Errnest Hemmingway's writing style different form Charles Dickens?

I think that Earnest Hemmingway and Charles Dickens writing styles are completely different. Earnest Hemmingway uses short, strait to the point sentances and Charles Dickens writes whole paragraph size ones. EA also uses a more simple vocabulary directed to the more simple and not the well educated people; whereas Dickens uses very complicated words and his sentaces are twisty and hard to understand for the common person. Personally I like EA more, because I think that he is very descriptive without using complicating, hard to understand sentances. Although maybe Dickens is more descriptive, I think he takes too many words to make a simple statement. Who's writing style do you like better? If you would like to find out more about Ernest Hemingway, then visit this site... If you are more interested in Dickens, go here...


Chan said...

C, check out your spelling!

I personally agree, and I think that I like Ernest Henningways writing better. What about you?

Come visit Mine!

Heat Seeker said...

I prefer Hemigway cause his spirit of endurence is one that i often find in myself and admire.


Missy said...

I like Earnest Hemingway a lot better because his writting is a whole lot easier to read. I also like Charles Dickens.

laura said...

Connor, have someone check your spelling!
Personally, I think that since both of their styles are very different,I can't compare one to the other.

Anna-bug said...

I think that Ernest Hemmingway's writing is easier to understand, but charles Dicken's writing is more descriptive and you can actually picture yourself in the place he describes. But we must remember that Charles Dickens is older than Hemmingway, am i right?

Medhive said...

I agree on the fact that he wrote in a totally different time period, but still, we live in a time far from him. I prefer Hemingway. Sorry about the spelling(never was a good speller)

Anna-bug said...

Yeah, You are right, Connor, but i really think it affects how we relate to the authors because we can't blame them for living in different time periods. Charles Dickens was way less complicated in his writing than many authors were during his time.

gollum said...

nothing against ernest hemingways writting (which btw i think is very good) but i feel as though his short choppy sentences create a complicated atmosphere which isn't bad but its difficult

Jacob said...

Charles dickens writing is considerably more complex and descriptive than Earney's. Because of this i have to say i prefer Charles to Earney. I mean for petes sakes he single handedly saved Christmas. Barzul Methurin!!

Medhive said...

That's your opinion.


Anna-bug said...

I personally like Ernest better because you can read it pretty fast without having to study the sentences. in CD's writing, i have to really pay close attention to what i'm reading, and that is not the way i like to read for fun.

Koko said...

I like Hemmingways style, but CD is funny!
Also, based on your pics, CD's Hair is SO MUCH COOLER!!!