Monday, February 19, 2007

How is John Steinbaeck's writing style different from Ernest Hemmingway's?

I personally think that they are similar, but yet very different. In the books "the pearl" and "the old man and the sea", both situations are in the ocean. Both are very reliant on one main character (Santiago and Kino), and both have the whole good vs. evil scenario. But despite this, the moods of the two books are very different. First, TOMATS is about a very proud and heroic man, where as Kino is an Indian and he does not hold as much pride as Santiago. Also the mood is extremely different. TOMOATS has a mood of a physical war going on with Santiago and the Marlin. But with the Pearl, Kino is battling within himself and against physical men. It is a depressing book with a sad ending, and TOMATS has a happy ending. Their writing styles are similar though. They both write fairly strait to the point, and both are very talented writers. To find more about John Steinbeck, go here


Josiah said...

John Steinbeck's writing is way more sad!!!!!

Jacob said...

Both earnests and johns writing styles are very depressing. But the two are different as well. Steinbeck's writing is much more complex then earnest's writing and because of that i prefer Steinbeck to Earnest.

Jacob said...

And Josiah both of their writing styles are quite depressing.

Koko said...

Um, connor, you were comparring basically everything but the writting styles in your post, although I do agree with most of what you said...
Hemmingways is short and to the point, whereas Steinbeck uses lots of description. His writting really paints a picture in your head, and Hemm's does to, but he does it in a more efficient, word saving way. I really like them both...